
Music, which has always been a passion and very present in my life, has become a reality. I had the opportunity to record 3 albums with only original songs. The songs are pop, inherited from my origins in radio and rock, influenced by 89FM, where I was an announcer/host for a decade.

'Endless' was recorded in 2011 and features 12 tracks. One of them in partnership with Cícero Fornari. The production is Fernando Nuneswith the musicians Alex Reis, Tuco Marcondes, Gustavo Souza, Adriano Magoo and Jonas Moncaio. The album still has the participation of Xênia France in two tracks.

'Holy Bandit' is from 2014. It was produced by Rodrigo Castanho and engraved by him, Pedro Michelucci, JP Marques, Lucas Penna and Luciano Nascimento. There are 5 copyright tracks on an EP.

'Life is not just came out in 2017 and was made with the collaboration of two hundred friends, through crowdfunding. This time the production was Nikk Gutierrez with the musicians Gabriel Williamand is Danilo Goto. There are 10 tracks and one of them is a partnership with Andrei Polessi, who is also responsible for the covers and graphic design of all the albums.

Listen to songs here or on your favorite music platform. All tracks are available for free download.

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